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Standard workflows

The CERN cloud includes a set of centrally maintained workflows for common operations. Access to these workflows can be requested via a SNOW ticket.

These are regularly updated and maintained over time. If there are issues with them, support tickets can be raised.

The public workflows are the following:

Name Description
instance_snapshot Creates an snapshot of a running instance
restore_clone_snapshot Restores an snapshot by creating a clone of the original machine
restore_inplace_snapshot Restores 'in-place' the original machine using the snapshot

Instance snapshot

This workflow creates a snapshot of a virtual machine. It detects if the machine is boot from image or boot from volume and does the snapshot in the appropriate service (glance or cinder). It can also keep N copies of the snapshot if you want to call it repeatedly. You can also configure it to send mails in case the process succeeds or if it fails

Here is the description of the workflow

$ openstack workflow show instance_snapshot
| Field      | Value                                                                                                                          |
| ID         | 3ffdd060-9877-4b68-824e-ef41b240c794                                                                                           |
| Name       | instance_snapshot                                                                                                              |
| Project ID | 2178a814-77aa-4538-8ea8-2449b6fbdc6d                                                                                           |
| Tags       | <none>                                                                                                                         |
| Input      | instance, pattern={0}_snapshot_{1}, max_snapshots=0, wait=False, instance_stop=False, to_addr_success=None, to_addr_error=None |
| Scope      | public                                                                                                                         |
| Created at | 2017-09-18 09:35:41                                                                                                            |
| Updated at | None                                                                                                                           |


  • instance: Instance Name or UUID of the instance
  • pattern: Name of the snapshot created (default: {instance_name}snapshot)
  • max_snapshots: Maximum number of snapshots to keep (default: 0)
  • wait: Waits for the snapshot to be created (default: False)
  • instance_stop: Triggers stop of the instance before the snapshot is taken (default: False)
  • to_addr_success: email address for receiving mails when the workflow ends successfully (default: no mail)
  • to_addr_error: email address for mails when the workflow fails (default: no mail)

Restore clone snapshot


Please be aware that you have enough quota to restore. This workflow will create the extra resources required for creating the machine

This workflow restores an snapshot taken with the previous workflow by creating a new machine with the same configuration as the original one. You can change the flavor, availability zone and metadata of the cloned machine and it could send mails in case the process succeeds or if it fails.

Here is the description of the workflow

$ openstack workflow show restore_clone_snapshot
| Field      | Value                                                                                                                                             |
| ID         | d2317b66-2bec-486c-811a-139f1831c149                                                                                                              |
| Name       | restore_clone_snapshot                                                                                                                            |
| Project ID | 2178a814-77aa-4538-8ea8-2449b6fbdc6d                                                                                                              |
| Tags       | <none>                                                                                                                                            |
| Input      | instance, date, clone_name, flavor=None, avz_name=None, meta=None, pattern={0}_snapshot_{1}, wait=False, to_addr_success=None, to_addr_error=None |
| Scope      | public                                                                                                                                            |
| Created at | 2017-09-18 09:35:54                                                                                                                               |
| Updated at | None                                                                                                                                              |


  • instance: Name of the instance to clone
  • date: Date of recovery, format is YYYYMMDD
  • clone_name: Name of the clone machine to create
  • flavor: Flavor of the cloned machine, if None it will use the flavor of the original machine (default: None)
  • avz_name: Availability zone of the cloned machine, if None it will use the availability zone of the original machine (default: None)
  • meta: Properties of the cloned machine, if None it will use the same properties as the original machine (default: None)
  • pattern: Name of the snapshot to be cloned (default: {instance_name}snapshot)
  • wait: Waits for the cloned machine to be created (default: False)
  • to_addr_success: email address for receiving mails when the workflow ends successfully (default: no mail)
  • to_addr_error: email address for mails when the workflow fails (default: no mail)

Restore inplace snapshot


Please be aware that you have enough quota to restore. This workflow will create the extra resources required for creating the machine Due to the missing functionality in volume snapshots, the restore on boot from volume instances deletes and recreates the machine.

This workflow restores an snapshot taken with the previous workflow on the original machine.

Here is the description of the workflow

$ openstack workflow show restore_inplace_snapshot
| Field      | Value                                                                                          |
| ID         | 5e30a20e-179b-46de-8bbd-0378d9cba39c                                                           |
| Name       | restore_inplace_snapshot                                                                       |
| Project ID | 2178a814-77aa-4538-8ea8-2449b6fbdc6d                                                           |
| Tags       | <none>                                                                                         |
| Input      | instance, date, pattern={0}_snapshot_{1}, wait=False, to_addr_success=None, to_addr_error=None |
| Scope      | public                                                                                         |
| Created at | 2017-09-18 09:36:04                                                                            |
| Updated at | None                                                                                           |


  • instance: Name of the instance to restore
  • date: Date of recovery, format is YYYYMMDD
  • pattern: Name of the snapshot created (default: {instance_name}snapshot)
  • wait: Waits for the cloned machine to be created (default: False)
  • to_addr_success: email address for receiving mails when the workflow ends successfully (default: no mail)
  • to_addr_error: email address for mails when the workflow fails (default: no mail)