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GPU Overview

GPU resource requests are handled slightly differently from what was described in the Projects section.


Interactive GPU resources on lxplus

The lxplus service offers for shared GPU instances - with limited isolation and performance.

Batch Service GPU jobs

The Batch service at CERN already allows the submission of GPU jobs (examples here). Batch not only allows to submit jobs in the typical batch system form, but also using docker, singularity and interactive jobs (including running GUI applications).

GitLab (Continuous Integration)

A number of shared runners in CERN GitLab offer GPUs.

Check here for configuration information and examples.

Kubeflow (Machine learning)

Also the Kubeflow project provides access to GPUs. It comes with a variety of different additional features which are useful for the machine learning use case.


For interactive work using notebooks, please take a look at the SWAN service. It provides access to a set of T4 GPUs.

Dedicated GPU resources

If and only if none of the above services matches your use case, you can ask for dedicated GPU resources. When doing the request, please give a good justification why none of these offerings do not match your use case.

In case you need to request GPUs, the first step is to open a ticket to the GPU Platform Consultancy functional element. Based on your input, the consultants will help you decide which of the services better suits your needs.

OpenStack project with GPU flavors in pass-through mode

This option is identical to the one described in the Projects section, except that GPU flavors will be assigned to your project. You can then launch instances with GPUs. The available flavors are:

Flavor Name GPU RAM vCPUs Disk Ephemeral Comments
g1.xlarge V100 16 GB 4 56 GB 96 GB [^1], deprecated
g1.4xlarge V100 (4x) 64 GB 16 80 GB 528 GB [^1]
g2.xlarge T4 16 GB 4 64 GB 192 GB [^1], deprecated
g2.5xlarge T4 168 GB 28 160 GB 1200 GB [^1]
g3.xlarge V100S 16 GB 4 64 GB 192 GB [^1]
g3.4xlarge V100S (4x) 64 GB 16 128 GB 896 GB [^1]
g4.p1.40g A100 (1x) 120 GB 16 600 GB - [^1], AMD CPUs
g4.p2.40g A100 (2x) 240 GB 32 1200 GB - [^1], AMD CPUs
g4.p4.40g A100 (4x) 480 GB 64 2400 GB - [^1], AMD CPUs

Note: Baremetal nodes with GPUs are also possible in certain cases, please open a ticket for these requests.

[^1]: Adequate GPU drivers have to be installed (detailed here).


GPU resources are a scarce resource and expensive resource. The PCI-passthrough deployment model limits IT's possibilities to monitor their (efficient) usage, therefore monitoring has to be done by the users directly on the guests. GPU resoures can be allocated for testing periods of up to 4 months, after which resources are claimed back and a usage report is expected. Longer lease times are possible but require a justification and management approval.

Container Service Clusters

After having GPU resources allocated to your OpenStack project, you can deploy clusters with GPUs by setting a label (explained here).

VM Configuration

When using GPUs directly in virtual machines you need to handle driver installation and configuration.

Driver Installation for GPU passthrough

To install NVIDIA drivers, open the CUDA Toolkit Downloads page and select the options related to your system. As an installer type, we recommend choosing the 'network' option. Having selected all options, you will be prompted with a succinct installation instructions box. Cuda rpm packages for RHEL and compatible OS are also available from here.

As a rule of thumb, you can verify that the drivers have been correctly installed if you can successfully run 'nvidia-smi' in a terminal (Linux) or if you see the GPU model you have assigned in the device manager, under display adapters (Windows).

For more detailed instructions, such as pre- and post-installation actions, see the Installation Guide for Linux or the Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

GPU monitoring

As mentioned earlier already, GPU monitoring has to be performed on the guests. In GPU passthrough-mode, the device is passed on for exclusive use by the virtual machine, and IT loses access to the device. Monitoring data is expected if the VM owner asks for a prolongation of the lease period. There are different options:

  • The drivers ship with nvidia-smi which gives, when run on the command line, statistics about the GPU usage. The output can be parsed and stored in a convenient format.
  • The collectd-cuda package package does exactly this. It is to be used as a collectd plugin.
  • The better solution is eventually DCGM: This tool is provided and maintained by NVIDIA, and has been open-sourced. You can find the latest version on github. It comes with a number of backends, for example with a plugin for collectd which can be used to send the data to the centralised monitoring infrastructure at CERN.
  • For guests using the configuration management system, there are collectd puppet plugins for collectd-cuda as well as for DCGM.

Trouble shooting

OpenGL/Vulcan not working on a Windows guest in GPU passthrough mode

If you need to run OpenGL or Vulcan graphics applications, this requires a license and specific, commercial drivers which you can get from IT. We have a few such licenses available. Please get in touch with IT.

Drivers do not find the GPU in PCI passthrough mode

Depending on the GPU used, GPU drivers on RHEL8 and RHEL9 guests (or equivalent) sometimes fail to initialise the GPU due to PCI bus address space issues. CC7 guests usually work fine. The root cause of this is under investigation. There are two known work arounds:

  • Boot the guest in BIOS mode instead of UEFI. See the documentation how this can be changed.
  • Add the kernel boot options pci=realloc pci=nocrs at boot time.

GPU is not found on guests with a virtual GPU

Check if the GPU has been properly attached to the VM by running

lspci |grep NVIDIA

If that is fine, make sure that the machine has been rebooted after the drivers have been installed. If not, reboot.

The vGPU works but has a performance which makes it unusable

This typically means that the GPU is not licensed. You can check with

nvidia-smi -q |grep -i lic

which should return something like this:

    vGPU Software Licensed Product
        License Status                    : Licensed (Expiry: 2023-9-28 6:35:35 GMT)

If nothing is returned, or if the license is expired, check that you have the license key installed in the right place, usually /etc/nvidia/ClientConfigToken, that there are no other files in that folder. If this looks correct, please verify the /etc/nvidia/gridd.conf exists and has been configured correctly, specifically:

  • ServerAddress=
  • BackupServerAddress=
  • ServerPort=7070
  • BackupServerPort=7070
  • FeatureType=4

If you have done any changes, restart gridd

systemctl restart nvidia-gridd

or reboot. Also, check that gridd is actually running and did not return any errors:

systemctl status nvidia-gridd

GPU accelerated Docker containers

The NVIDIA Container Toolkit is required to run GPU accelerated Docker containers (not required for Kubernetes). Installation instructions are available here.

Additional resources: